25 Years Of Experience

with Kickstart -we were initially an approved Gateway for the Kickstart Programme and have had over E4.3m worth of opportunities approved.Pivoting thereafter,the team rapidly started delivering on traineeships and apprenticeships.We have over 800 emplbyers nationwide and have worked on programmes including Traineeships,Apprenticeships and direct employment.We have over 200 vacancies lve at any given time across a range of sectors(retail,warehouse &storage, customer service,business administration,IT inc digital marketing,hospitality and driving With our partnership work with employers,we now have agreements in place with some of the employers where AKR Growth has been given the authority to make official job offers on their behalf.We're keen to expand,grow and change the nature of welfare to work.
- 100% Better results
- Best course & guidance
- Development tracker
- Review Improvement Reports
Insured Customers
Satisfied Award